Explanation of Link Colors | |
Web Color Name or Hexadecimal Color Code | Explanation |
Pink | A different page on this site. |
MediumSlateBlue | A page on this site you've already visited. |
#1E90FF | A link to somewhere other than Astroblahhh.Com. |
#7580F5 | A link to somewhere other than Astroblahhh.Com that you've visited already. |
SandyBrown | Another spot on the same page you're currently on. |
MediumSeaGreen | Something I might get commissions from, like an Amazon Associates Program link. I just thought I'd color code them to make them easy for you to avoid and be suspicious of.
I do not intend for these links to imply that I recommend that you buy these products at Amazon, or that Amazon definitely has the best price. Sure, Amazon often does have good prices, or even sometimes the best prices, but, still, I suggest looking all over the internet for the best prices. Oh, and don't forget about how the cost of shipping can often make internet purchases cost more than just buying something at a store. |
In the navigational header and footer:
- The links in a larger font size are the links to the main content pages.
- The links below that, in a smaller font size, are the links to site-related pages, and any commercial junk, which I'd prefer to have tidily out of the way.
Some pages feature occasionally-added new content labeled with differently-colored labels.Red - New and from the most recent update, or close to it.
Orange - Less new, from a less recent update to that page. However, on the Astrosorted Music List pages, since the color red is used to make warning labels stand out, the color orange is used to indicate the newest songs.
This site map page provides an overview, in a single page, of most everything on this site. It aims to be (mostly) un-redundant, so, for instance, astrology software is listed in only the Astrology section rather than both the Astrology section and the Software section.
By the way, this page usually isn't totally up to date - I usually don't feel like updating it.
Main Content Sections
- Activism
- Astrology
- Birth Data
- 984 Anonymous LiveJournal User Birth Data Collected In 2002 (553 KB)
- Gauquelin Data - Vol. 1-6, Series A: 15,943 Birth Data: Professional Notabilities (without names)
- Etexts
- Speculation, first published circa August 1930-Dec. 11, 1930, author unknown, an 8-page astrology booklet on the topic of financial speculation.
- The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica article on astrology - the original text, with paragraph breaks added to improve readability.
- Software
- AstroTally - a little astrology program I wrote in JavaScript, originally released in 2004, and last updated in 2005, though I still plan on returning to it. Seldom do I ever completely give up on any big project I've started... :-)
- gauqastro.pl - a Perl script for converting some of the Gauquelin data at ARCHIVES GAUQUELIN - http://cura.free.fr/gauq/17archg.html to Astrolog 5.40 command lines.
- gauqjigsaw1.pl - a Perl script for converting the same data into JigSaw-format files.
- Aspect Significance Rating Table - info on a simple system for rating the (supposed) significance of aspects.
Web-Based Tools
- 984 Anonymous LiveJournal User Birth Data Collected In 2002 (553 KB)
- Notes on Celestia - the controls, and various other notes.
- Yes, this is the same page that's under the Activism header. I just thought it deserved a bit more prominence.
- Use Page Title As File Name + Change Unusual Chars To Dashes - 1.4 ApMod 1.0 March 20, 2011. A modified version of File Title 1.4, modified by me (Apollia of Astroblahhh.Com). The original File Title 1.4 is by Pavel Cvrcek.
- Ideas for Internet Login Security - There sure are a lot of websites out there which could use these ideas - any website where it's at all important for user accounts to be secure, like PayPal, and zillions of bank and credit card websites.
- Notes on Foreign Language Web Browsing/Translation Frames
- Download all Foreign Language Web Browsing/Translation Frames (French, German, Japanese), with the above Notes (10.4 KB)
- Japanese<->English Web Browsing/Translation Frames Demo
- Japanese Kana Pronunciation Table - Complete tables of hiragana and katakana, the phonetic "alphabet" of Japanese.
Multiple Languages
- replace-filename-chars-windows-cant-handle.txt - a Perl script which goes through all the files in a directory you specify, and renames those files if their file names contain any characters that Windows XP (and probably other versions of Windows) can't handle in file names:
\ : * ? " < > |
The filtered characters are changed into dashes.
Astrosorting Stuff
- "Astrosorting" system of music organization, inspired by astrology
- Astrosorted Music List - over 100 absolutely wonderful songs legally downloadable over the internet, sorted according to this system, using the Astrosorting Music Organization Database (AMODB).
- Musician Links - links to web pages of the musicians from the Astrosorted Music List, as well as other musicians, composers, remixers, singers, etc. I like. Very far from a complete list.
- Music Section of my Blog - This is where I post updates to the astrosorted music list, among other things.
astrosorting_file_and_fols.zip (74 KB) - This file is rather obsolete now, since the AMODB is a much better way to astrosort your music, but, I'm leaving this here anyhow. It's a zip file containing the above description of my "astrosorting" system of music organization, with a skeletal, empty version of my old astrosorted Vgmix toplist page, containing no songs, so you can fill in the page yourself. This page also has a potentially useful table of internal links so you can quickly reach any set of labels you want.This zip file also contains 400 folders with names like "2-Mercury-3-Venus-4-Mars", with which you can sort your entire music collection (or other things) if you want, though for various reasons, that might not be a good idea.
- Astrosorted Music List - over 100 absolutely wonderful songs legally downloadable over the internet, sorted according to this system, using the Astrosorting Music Organization Database (AMODB).
- Music Hosted Here
- Notes on Making MIDI Rips - using spc2midi or nsf2midi, and WinJammer Shareware.
- 2008-01-20-radio_shack_headphones.EQF (299 bytes) - for Radio Shack Full-Size Stereo Headphones (which I think Radio Shack probably doesn't sell anymore, since last time I was there to buy new headphones (summer of 2010?), I couldn't find them, and had to get a different kind).
Other Information
Winamp Settings Files
- My comments to BusinessWeek.com in May-June 2007 on The Debate Room topic "Stop Fleecing Poor Americans"
- Critique of the Terms of American Express's Clear Card
- MagnaMural: Texture Display & Organizer - A scripted item I wrote in Second Life. It was originally a commercial product, but I released it into the public domain.
- How to Be a Woman - An article that never would have been written if Steve Pavlina hadn't asked on his blog for people to try writing an article by this title, and offered to link to the best ones.
Pages related to Steve Pavlina's book Personal Development For Smart People
- About Steve Pavlina's Book Personal Development for Smart People - a review.
- Expanded Table of Contents
- Expanded Table of Contents Printable Web Version (probably prints best with Firefox)
- Expanded Table of Contents Printable PDF Version
- JavaScript Random Generator: 66 Personal Effectiveness Habits from Steve Pavlina's Book, Personal Development for Smart People
Podcast Transcript
- Transcript of Steve Pavlina Podcast #11 for 2/12/2006 - Raising Awareness Through Multiple Perspectives - This transcript is in the public domain, as is the original podcast. Steve, with astounding and admirable generosity, released most of his work to the public domain in Dec. 2010. More details are available in this blog post from Steve's site: Releasing My Copyrights
I probably am not going to do more Steve Pavlina podcast transcripts, because someone else is going to do them. (I did this one mainly so I would have an example of transcription work to add to my oDesk portfolio).
So, for more transcripts, go to: PavlinaPlus.com/podcast
PavlinaPlus.com also provides Steve's newsletters, video transcripts, Dexterity Software articles, and workshop articles.
- Actual Software
All free, open source, and public domain, and written by me in PHP/MySQL/JavaScript.
Info and Tips About Software
Other Content
- Blog - Though the front page of my site also lists blog posts, sometimes I make it so the less-important blog posts won't even be displayed on the front page, so you'll only see them on the Blog page, the category section the post was posted to, or the RSS feed. (But maybe not even the RSS feed, since I can customize which posts show up in the RSS feed).
- RSS Feed
- Blog Main Archive - Doesn't include posts of the categories Site Update (for posts about updates to this site) or Journal (for posts where I talk about my life and might or might not say anything useful, interesting, etc.).
Out of Date Pages
Related to my Blogspot blog (which I scarcely use) and my Zaadz blog (which no longer exists).
- Blogspot Blog Table of Contents - just to make it easier to navigate my blog. Not my links blog, nor my Zaadz blog - my old Blogspot blog which is now just a repository for comments.
- Zaadz Blog Table of Contents - to make it easier to navigate my former main blog, once located at http://apollia.zaadz.com/blog. The links don't go anywhere, but I just didn't feel like deleting this page yet.
- Blogspot Blog Table of Contents - just to make it easier to navigate my blog. Not my links blog, nor my Zaadz blog - my old Blogspot blog which is now just a repository for comments.
- About This Site
- Site Map - You are here.
- Update History
For free, for donations, or for upfront payment.