Number pad (with Num Lock turned on)
Roll ship
(makes everything on the
screen roll clockwise
moves camera downward
(pitch down)
Roll ship clockwise
(makes everything
on the screen roll
Moves camera left
(yaw left)
Stops camera drifting
(stop rotation)
Moves camera right
(yaw right)
moves camera upward
(pitch up)

Motion (spaceflight)
AIncrease velocitySStopZDecrease velocity
QReverse directionXSet movement
direction toward
center of screen
F1StopF2Set velocity to 1 km/s F3Set velocity to 1,000 km/s
F4Set velocity to speed of light F5Set velocity to 10x the speed of light. F6Set velocity to 1 AU/s
F7Set velocity to 1 ly/s

Object labels
WAsteroids & cometsBStars
MMoonsNSpacecraft &Locations

=Toggle constellation labels /Toggle constellation diagrams Ctrl+BToggle constellation boundaries

PToggle planet labels OToggle planet orbits;Show an earth-based equatorial coordinate sphere

Ctrl+PMark selected objectCtrl+K Toggle display of markers

LTime 10x faster
KTime 10x slower
JReverse time
\Real time rate
SpaceStop and unstop time
!Set time to now
F10Capture image to file
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+INSCopy location URL to clipboard
DRun demo
F8Enable joystick
Ctrl+VCycle between supported OpenGL render paths

Informational commands
VToggle verbosity of info text
?Display light-travel delay between observer and selected object
`Show frames rendered per second

Ctrl+RSplit view vertically
Ctrl+USplit view horizontally
TABCycle active view
DELDelete active view
Ctrl+DDelete all views except active one

Mouse functions
Left dragOrient camera.
Right drag"Orbits" the selected object - allows you to kind of roll it around the screen
Wheel, Right + Left drag, or Ctrl + Left dragadjust distance to selection
Shift + Left dragchange field of view (e.g. => telescopic view)
Wheel (middle button) clicktoggle field of view between 45 degrees and the previous field (e.g. telescopic view)
Left-clickselect object
Left double clickcenter selection
Right-clickbring up context menu

View and navigational
EnterBring up a prompt so you can type in the name of an object to select.
BackspaceCancel currently selected object. If the currently selected object orbits another object, the orbited object will be selected.
HSelect Sol
GGo to selected object
CCenter view on selected object
FFollow selected object
YOrbit the selected object at a rate synced to its rotation
"Chase selected object (orientation is based on selection's velocity)
:Lock on selected object
TTrack selected object (keep selected object centered in view)
Shift+ArrowsOrbit object
ESCCancel motion (including G, go), or script. Cancels tracking, following or sync orbiting of objects.
HOMEMove closer to object you have selected; the quickest, most no-nonsense way to get to something.
ENDOpposite of HOME; moves farther from selected object
1-9Select planets around nearby sun
Shift+CCenter/orbit--center the selected object without changing the position of the reference object. A very neat way to move around and shift your view of things - I'm not quite sure how it works, but it seems like you might have to be sync orbiting, following, or chasing an object, or have a lock on on object or pair of objects.
*Switch to rear view when pressed the first time, and and back again when pressed the second time. Not recommended unless you switch back right away, since the camera will no longer be facing in the direction you're moving in, which could be confusing.

Important commands for realism
-Subtract light-travel delay from current simulation time
+Switch between artistic and limit of knowledge planet textures
rLower texture resolution
RRaise texture resolution
Ctrl-AToggles atmospheres on or off, for all planets and moons that have them.
IToggles cloud textures
UToggle galaxy rendering
Ctrl+EToggle eclipse shadow rendering
Ctrl+LToggle night side planet maps (light pollution)
Ctrl+SCycle the star style between fuzzy discs, points, and scaled discs
Ctrl+TToggle rendering of comet tails
Ctrl+WToggle wireframe mode
Ctrl-YToggle Auto Magnitude mode, auto adaptation of star visibility when you change your field of view
Ctrl+XToggle antialias lines (makes lines look sharper or more smooth)
[If autoMag OFF: Decrease limiting magnitude (fewer stars visible)
If autoMag ON: Decrease limiting magnitude at 45 deg field of view
]If autoMag OFF: Increase limiting magnitude (more stars visible)
If autoMag ON: Increase limiting magnitude at 45 deg field of view
{Decrease ambient illumination
}Increase ambient illumination
,Narrow field of view
.Widen field of view