Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!

My main personal website is now I'm still not sure what to do with Astroblahhh.Com, so it's mostly staying as-is for now.

JavaScript Aspect Rating Calculator Version B (Text Input Boxes)

These little calculators written in JavaScript will perform the calculations described on the Aspect Significance Rating Table page automatically.

There is also Version A, which uses dropboxes instead of text input boxes, which makes it easier to mindlessly input stuff without having to think about it, but which might be slower than just typing the numbers in.

By the way, neither that table nor this program can be used to accurately calculate the precise rating for the septile, biseptile or triseptile aspects, since I used 51, 103 and 154 degrees respectively for those aspects, instead of their annoying actual angles, which are supposedly 51°26', 102°51', and 154°17'.

In the degree ° fields, enter any number from 0-29.
In the minute ' fields, enter any number from 0-59.

Input 1Input 2Output

° '

360° format


° '

360° format

Angle: ° '




° '


This page uploaded to web: June 30, 2006
Last modified: Oct. 12, 2007

Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!

My main personal website is now I'm still not sure what to do with Astroblahhh.Com, so it's mostly staying as-is for now.