Web browser bookmarklets to change Reddit comment sort order with a single click |
Monday, March 4th, 2019 15:31:26 GMT |
Web Browsers Bookmarklets |
I couldn't find a way to permanently set the Reddit comment sort order without logging in.
So, I made some web browser bookmarklets, written in JavaScript, that can change the Reddit comment sort order with a single click.
So, the 2nd set is the one I prefer.
But, I've only tested them in my favorite web browser, Pale Moon (version 27.4.1).
Or, you could right-click on your bookmarks toolbar, choose "New Bookmark", then copy and paste one of the below source code snippets into the "Location" field of the new bookmark, give the bookmark a name, then click Add.
Source code of 2nd set of bookmarklets, which change the Reddit comment sort order and also convert the web page's address from "www.reddit.com" to "np.reddit.com", since Reddit's "np" ("No Participation") pages load noticeably faster on my computer:
I made 2 slightly different sets of these bookmarklets, since I also wanted to be able to more easily switch to the faster-loading "np" ("No Participation") version of Reddit pages.
This 2nd set of bookmarklets additionally converts the web page's address from "www.reddit.com" to "np.reddit.com", since Reddit's "np" ("No Participation") pages load noticeably faster on my computer:
These bookmarklets might work in various Firefox-like browsers, maybe even Firefox.
To install them, you can just dragdrop the above links into your bookmarks toolbar.
In the Pale Moon web browser, to show or hide your Bookmarks Toolbar, go to the "View" menu, then the "Toolbars" menu item, and choose "Bookmarks Toolbar".
Sort by Old
(chronological order)
Sort by New
(reverse chronological order)
Sort by Controversial
("posts that have very even amounts of up/downvotes and a lot of activity")
Sort by Q&A
("shows all the comments to which te original poster replied to")
Sort by Top
("the most upvotes regardless of downvotes")
Sort by Best
("highest upvote to downvote ratio")
Sort by Old
(chronological order)
Sort by New
(reverse chronological order)
Sort by Controversial
("posts that have very even amounts of up/downvotes and a lot of activity")
Sort by Q&A
("shows all the comments to which te original poster replied to")
Sort by Top
("the most upvotes regardless of downvotes")
Sort by Best
("highest upvote to downvote ratio")