Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!

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Questions Blog Post:

What text editors let you view and edit multiple files in a single long page? Similar to Scrivener's Scrivenings mode

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11/3/2015 - What text editors let you view and edit multiple files in a single long page? Similar to Scrivener's Scrivenings mode (Questions - Software)


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What text editors let you view and edit multiple files in a single long page? Similar to Scrivener's Scrivenings mode
Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015
05:43:35 GMT


I posted this question at the Software Recommendations StackExchange site:

What text editors let you view and edit multiple files in a single long page? Similar to Scrivener's Scrivenings mode

Just thought I'd try to draw some attention to it, since I'm really curious to know the answer.

Also, since I still haven't yet gotten around to solving my email problems, I decided to create an email address which my Gmail account will automatically download mail from.

So, I'm now somewhat reachable if you send mail to:

But, even now, please don't expect quick replies, and sorry for neglecting my email so much. I'll probably try to solve my email problems sometime after I'm done with updating Astroblahhh Desktop to version 2.8.

And, still another way to reach me is the Eryss.Com Forum. Even though it's a very quiet and dull place at the moment, I have no plans of ever taking it down.

Update, Nov. 5, 2015, 4:11 AM EST, etc. I believe the best currently-existing way to do what I asked about might be the Emacs editor, plus some Emacs add-ons, namely multifiles.el, and its dependency dash.el. I wrote about those here.

I have long thought I ought to try to get more familiar and comfortable with Emacs. But, until now, I never had an exotic-enough feature requirement which I had no more convenient way than Emacs to fulfil.

Before this, it was easier to just stick with Geany (in Linux) and Notepad++ (in Windows, though I also have frequently used it in Linux using VirtualBox or Wine). They're both really fantastic editors, and easier to figure out than Emacs, but much less powerful and flexible.

As for why I need such an unusual feature in the first place - it's because I've been splitting my source code up into a lot more separate files, and I haven't found a way to make Notepad++ or Geany go to bookmarks located in different files instead of only the current file. I keep getting lost amongst all the tons of different file tabs I have, and I'm getting tired of having to click around so much and struggle to remember where I put things, or what I named things so I can do a search for them, etc.

So, I figured having everything in one long scrollable page which I can have bookmarks in might make things a lot easier to deal with.

It's going to take a while for me to get up to speed with Emacs, but, in the long run, I think knowing how to use and customize Emacs to do exactly what I want will make my software development - and hence, my life - a lot easier in the future, so it's probably worth the trouble.

No doubt I will still use Geany and Notepad++ at times, though. They're perfectly fine for less labyrinthine projects of mine.

And happily, I recently managed to figure out how to make Notepad++ less crashy in Wine. In Notepad v6.8.6, I had to go to the Settings menu, choose Preferences, then select MISC. from the lefthand sidebar. Then, under File Status Auto-Detection, I unchecked "Enable".

That stops Notepad++ from giving me an alert message which freezes and crashes everything if I happen to edit a file with a different editor while I have that file open in Notepad++.

Another nice thing I found lately was the Notepad++ Task List plugin, mentioned here, which could be of use if you want named bookmarks which are more permanent than Notepad++'s built-in, unnamed bookmarks.

Somehow, I was unable to compile the latest version of Geany with Lucid Puppy Linux 5.2.8 version 004.

But, that was actually probably a good thing, because I'm probably better off getting more acquainted with Emacs anyway.

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Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!

My main personal website is now I'm still not sure what to do with Astroblahhh.Com, so it's mostly staying as-is for now.