Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!

My main personal website is now I'm still not sure what to do with Astroblahhh.Com, so it's mostly staying as-is for now.

Blog Main Archive - Jul 2018

Posts Below
7/4/2018 - Link: "Failure to Launch" is actually Failure to Lem (Freedom)
7/6/2018 - is down, but Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux 6.02 Beta 2 is still available in (Puppy Linux)
7/29/2018 - Link: "Bras might reduce melatonin and increase the risk of breast cancer" (Health)
7/30/2018 - Steve Pavlina's Deep Abundance Integration live video series (Self-Help)


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Link: "Failure to Launch" is actually Failure to Lem
Wednesday, July 4th, 2018
15:54:16 GMT


Happy Independence Day (July 4th) to all!

Here's something I worked on (off and on) for days, starting around maybe June 29th.

I almost didn't post it at all, but, then I suddenly got inspired to post it today:

"Failure to Launch" is actually Failure to Lem
July 4, 2018 from

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   ▲ Top  ▼ Bottom  △ TOC   ↓ Down   Up ↑ is down, but Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux 6.02 Beta 2 is still available in
Friday, July 6th, 2018
03:56:04 GMT

Puppy Linux

The Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux website seems to be down. I first noticed this around perhaps June 22nd:

I was hoping the website would soon return, but it hasn't so far. And now, that page redirects to a domain name seller's website.

I'm not sure how long has been down, but, here's the most recent version of that page in
From April 18, 2018 -

I don't know what happened, and the official forum thread about Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux 6.02 Beta 2 hasn't been posted to since 2015:

Lighthouse 64 602 Beta2 with GIMP-2.8.4 (6-29-2013)
From Puppy Linux Discussion Forum

I hope the person who owned is OK. Huge thanks to him or her for creating the Lighthouse 64 variant of Puppy Linux - it's still the operating system I use most frequently.

The Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux 6.02 Beta 2 ISO and DevX SFS file of development tools are both available at

In the box at the right side of the page that says "DOWNLOAD OPTIONS", click the "SHOW ALL" link near the bottom to show a list of all available files. The file to download is 257.0 M and is named:

(There's also the larger Mariner edition ISO, but I never tried that, nor probably most of the other files available there.)

The file's SHA-512 checksum:

The file's MD5 checksum exists in (Close the toolbar at the top of the page to see it):

Here's where you can get Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux 6.02 Beta 2's official DevX SFS file of development tools:

In the box at the right side of the page that says "DOWNLOAD OPTIONS", click the "SHOW ALL" link near the bottom to show a list of all available files. The file to download is 383.3 M and is named:

The file's SHA-512 checksum:

I still haven't finished renovating my (Apollia's) Puppy Linux Setup Kit (APSK).

But, when it is finished, it will be possible to use it to set up Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux 6.02 Beta 2.

I have no plans to even trying to switch to a newer Puppy Linux (or any other GNU/Linux) until I make more progress with APSK, which I will probably gradually release here:

The renovated APSK is still pretty incomplete, and after being preoccupied with other things for about a month (mainly because I mostly quit GitHub and had to figure out how to get by without it), I feel a bit lost and disoriented now that I'm trying to return to working on APSK.

But, fortunately, I can use my modified version of VUE: Visual Understanding Environment to create some documentation, maybe or maybe not similar to this, which will probably help me get (and share) a better idea of what the heck I was doing and what I should do next.

Some of the best currently-existing documentation of important new features in the renovated version of APSK is in this repo:

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Link: "Bras might reduce melatonin and increase the risk of breast cancer"
Sunday, July 29th, 2018
20:14:42 GMT


I finally wrote a short blog post on this important topic:

Bras might reduce melatonin and increase the risk of breast cancer
July 29, 2018 from

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Steve Pavlina's Deep Abundance Integration live video series
Monday, July 30th, 2018
20:50:27 GMT


I already blogged about this on and, so, if you've read either of those blog posts - which actually contain a bit more text than this blog post - you've already read the below, except for the text in this first section.

I'm just posting this here in case there's anyone who only reads Astroblahhh.Com (my main personal website until I figure out what to do with, and not also:

This costs money ($97), but, since it's by the wonderful Steve Pavlina, I'm sure it will be marvelous, and worth far more than $97. I signed up today.

Deep Abundance Integration - August 1-30, 2018

Steve will host a live video call every day from Aug. 1 to 30, which will be influenced by feedback from people who signed up.

Edit, Aug. 1, 2018, 1:12 PM EDT The signup page no longer shows a deadline, and the count of signups keeps growing.

So, if you want to participate, it looks like you can still sign up!

Or, if you'd rather wait, you'll probably be able to buy the completed videos, etc. eventually when they are released as a product.

End of edit.

And if you can't (or would rather not) buy anything - Steve has a wonderful, fascinating website:

And the vast majority of what's there is free - not only free as in price, but also free as in freedom, since much of it is actually uncopyrighted!

I don't always agree with everything Steve says, but I always find his perspectives thought-provoking and well worth reading or hearing. And over the years, I think his writings, podcasts, and videos have definitely influenced me greatly for the better.

So, I highly recommend checking out, and signing up for Deep Abundance Integration if it appeals to you.

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Note by Apollia on Nov. 8, 2023: Please join my Patreon if you'd like to support me and my work!

My main personal website is now I'm still not sure what to do with Astroblahhh.Com, so it's mostly staying as-is for now.