#!/usr/bin/perl # Navig Shortcuts # for # Apollia's Navigation Command Prompt for GNU/Linux v1.5 # (Navig, for short) # # #------------------# # # Folder Shortcuts # # #------------------# # # # The %shortcuts hash, below these explanatory comments, is where you # put shortcuts to any folder paths you like. # # The shortcut path can be to a symlink to a folder. And happily - if # you have $should_use_dest_folder_as_command_line_argument set to false, # and are using the Rox-Filer or Thunar file managers in Lucid Puppy # 5.2.8 - Rox or Thunar will display your real location after going to a # symlink using a Navig shortcut, unlike what happens when you click # symlinks in Rox or Thunar. # # # Example of the format to use in the %shortcuts hash: # # "r" => ["/root/", "Root Folder"], # # # And a dissection of the example: # # "r" => ["/root/", "Your root folder"], # | | | # | | | # A B C # # Part A - "r": # This is the shortcut name you'll type to go to the folder path # in Part B. # # Part B - "/root/": # This is the path the shortcut will (or should) take you to. # (It won't work if the path doesn't exist, or if it doesn't lead # to a folder or a symlink to a folder.) # # Part C - "Your root folder": # This is just description text that gets displayed when listing # shortcuts with the "sc" command or with a command to list # categorized shortcuts. (The lister commands are explained # further below.) # # Any description of any length without newlines will hopefully # be printed nicely. %shortcuts= ( #Disks "sda1" => ["/mnt/sda1/", "sda1 - Maybe a hard drive, hard drive partition, or Flash drive?"], "sdb1" => ["/mnt/sdb1/", "sdb1 - Maybe a hard drive, hard drive partition, or Flash drive?"], "sdc1" => ["/mnt/sdc1/", "sdc1 - Maybe a hard drive, hard drive partition, or Flash drive?"], "sr0" => ["/mnt/sr0/", "sr0 - Maybe a DVD drive?"], #Puppy System Locations "~" => ["/root/", "Root"], "`" => ["/root/", "Root"], "r" => ["/root/", "Root"], "root" => ["/root/", "Root"], "t" => ["/root/", "Root"], "cf" => ["/root/.config", "Root Config"], "mnt" => ["/mnt/", "Mnt - Where your mounted disk/mounted partition files are, at least in Lucid Puppy Linux 5.2.8 version 004."], "med" => ["/media/", "Media - Where your mounted disk/mounted partition files are, at least in Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux 6.02 Beta 2."], "media" => ["/media/", "Media - Where your mounted disk/mounted partition files are, at least in Lighthouse 64 Puppy Linux 6.02 Beta 2."], "tmp" => ["/tmp/", "Tmp - Nothing here gets saved upon shutdown."], "arc" => ["/archive/", "Archive - Stuff here gets saved on multisession Puppy discs, but not reloaded at bootup. More info: http://www.puppylinux.com/multi-puppy.htm"], "dev" => ["/dev/", "Dev - devices"], "etc" => ["/etc/", "Etc - Hosts file."], "sbin" => ["/usr/sbin", "sbin"], "usr" => ["/usr/", "Usr - lots of different stuff"], "var" => ["/var/", "Var - ?"], # Window Manager Settings "ob" => ["/root/.config/openbox/", "Openbox Settings"], "ice" => ["/root/.icewm/", "IceWM Settings"], # File Manager Settings "roxi" => ["/root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/", "Rox-Filer Globicons File, etc."], "thu" => ["/root/.config/Thunar/", "Thunar Settings"], # Puppy Cosmetic Stuff "font" => ["/usr/share/fonts/default/TTF/", "Puppy Fonts"], "bg" => ["/usr/share/backgrounds", "Nathan's Wallpaper Setter wallpapers"], #Web Server "wr" => ["/root/Web-Server/", "Web Server Root"], "web" => ["/root/Web-Server/", "Web Server Root"], #LHMP config "hiac" => ["/etc/hiawatha/", "Hiawatha Config"], "mdbc" => ["/etc/", "Etc - MariaDB Config (my.cnf), PHP Ini, Hosts file."], #LHMP logs "hial" => ["/var/log/hiawatha/", "Hiawatha Logs"], #DBs #"mdb" => ["/usr/local/var/", "MariaDB databases"], #"mdb" => ["/root/maria_dbs/", "MariaDB databases"], "ma" => ["/root/maria_dbs", "Maria DBs"], "mdb" => ["/root/mysql_dbs/", "MySQL databases"], # GTK themes, Openbox themes "th" => ["/usr/share/themes/", "Themes"], #Linux Software Settings "cron" => ["/var/spool/cron/crontabs/", "crontab file folder"], "dbf" => ["/root/.config/deadbeef/", "Deadbeef Config"], "mozp" => ["/root/.mozilla/firefox/nyrs6b6z.default/", "Firefox Prefs"], "geac" => ["/root/.config/geany/", "Geany Config"], "nci" => ["/root/.notecase/", "NoteCase Ini"], "perl" => ["/usr/share/perl/5.10.1/", "Perl Modules"], "tc" => ["/root/.TrueCrypt", "TrueCrypt Settings"], # Web browser settings "gftp" => [ "/root/.gftp", "gFTP settings"], "moz" => ["/root/.mozilla/firefox/Custom/", "Mozilla Profile"], "pm" => ["/root/.moonchild productions/pale moon", "Pale Moon Profiles"], "em" => ["/root/.emacs.d/", "emacs.d"], "dw" => ["/root/dwhelper/", "Dwhelper - video Download Helper"], #"dw" => ["/root/aphome/Firefox_v3_6_13/dwhelper/", "Dwhelper - video Download Helper"], # Related to Eryss astrology software "swe" => ["/root/sweph/", "Swiss Ephemeris"], "sweph" => ["/root/sweph/", "Swiss Ephemeris"], "sweb" => ["/root/swephbig/", "Swiss Ephemeris (big folder)"], "swephb" => ["/root/swephbig/", "Swiss Ephemeris (big folder)"], # Related to Apollia's Puppy Linux Setup Kit v1.0 "zt" => [ "/root/zzzzz-tmp", "Zzzzz Tmp" ], "pl" => ["/root/zzzzz-tmp/Other Astroblahhh workspaces/Astroblahhh GLMP-GTK tmp workspace/", "PHP CLI log"], "zp" => [ "/root/zzz-Panel/", "zzz-Panel"], # My Puppy cosmetic stuff "api" => ["/usr/share/icons/apsk/", "Apollia Icons"], "apico" => ["/usr/share/icons/apsk/", "Apollia Icons"], # My custom RAM disk paths "aw" => ["/root/00-ApWorkspace", "00-ApWorkspace"], "bw" => ["/root/00-BackupWorkspace", "00-BackupWorkspace"], "tw" => ["/root/Downloads/TestWallpaper", "Test Wallpaper"], # Breredon "bre" => ["/root/zzz-Breredon/Meadow", "zzz-Breredon Meadow"], "brp" => ["/root/zzz-Breredon/Meadow/Puppy Setup Kits/Lupu5284/Panel/Panel/", "zzz-Breredon Meadow Panel"], "brep" => ["/root/zzz-Breredon/Meadow/Puppy Setup Kits/Lupu5284/Panel/Panel/", "zzz-Breredon Meadow Panel"], # Pondizer "tp" => ["/root/00-ApWorkspace/temp-pond/", "Temp Pond"], # Navig "na" => ["/root/zzz-Meadow/Forest/Veldt/Hot Spring/Lupu5284/Navig/", "Navig Shortcuts"], "nv" => ["/root/zzz-Meadow/Forest/Veldt/Hot Spring/Lupu5284/Navig/", "Navig Shortcuts" ], "nav" => ["/root/zzz-Meadow/Forest/Veldt/Hot Spring/Lupu5284/Navig/", "Navig Shortcuts" ], "n" => ["/root/zzz-Meadow/Forest/Veldt/Hot Spring/Lupu5284/Navig/", "Navig Shortcuts" ], "ap" => ["/apmnt/", "Apmnt - Apollia's custom mountpoint for TrueCrypt volumes"], "apm" => ["/apmnt/", "Apmnt"], "ab" => ["/root/apbin/", "Apbin - home to some of the software Apollia's Puppy Linux Setup Kit might install."], # Custom user profiles "ah" => ["/root/aphome/", "Aphome"], "fh" => ["/root/aphome/Firefox_v32/", "Firefox_v32 Aphome"], "f" => ["/root/aphome/Firefox_v32/Downloads", "Firefox_v32 Aphome Downloads"], "f2" => ["/root/aphome/Firefox_v3_6_13/Downloads/", "Firefox_v3_6_13 Aphome Downloads"], "moz3" => ["/root/aphome/Firefox_v3_6_13/.mozilla/firefox/", "Firefox v3.6.13 profiles"], "moz32" => ["/root/aphome/Firefox_v32/.mozilla/firefox/", "Firefox v32 profiles"], "aad" => ["/apmnt/truecrypt49/Nimbrethil/Ambarona Autodepot", "Where auto-moved wallpapers go"], #VirtualBox Shared Folders "avg" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop G/", "ABDesktop G Shared Folder"], "avb" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop VB/", "ABDesktop VB Shared Folder"], "avx" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop X/", "ABDesktop X Shared Folder"], "avw" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop W/", "ABDesktop W Shared Folder"], "avt" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop T/", "ABDesktop T VB Shared Folder"], "avn" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop N/", "ABDesktop N VB Shared Folder"], "avl" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop L/", "ABDesktop L VB Shared Folder"], "avv" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop V/", "ABDesktop V VB Shared Folder"], "avm" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop M/", "ABDesktop M Shared Folder"], "avi" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/ABDesktop I/", "ABDesktop I Shared Folder"], "vbx" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/VBX VB/", "VBX VB Shared Folder"], "mvb" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read and Write/Mail VB/", "Mail VB Shared Folder"], "vbr" => ["/root/VB Shared/safe/Read Only/", "VB Shared Folder - Read Only"], ); # Another way to add shortcuts is to write code to automatically # make lots of similar shortcuts. # # Uncomment this for-loop if you want shortcuts like "tc1" thru "tc64" # and "t1" thru "t64" for TrueCrypt volumes from 1 to 64. #~ for ($x=1;$x<=64;$x++) #~ { $shortcut1="t" . $x; #~ $shortcut2="tc" . $x; #~ $shortcut3="$x"; #~ $shortcuts{$shortcut1}=["/mnt/truecrypt$x", "TrueCrypt $x"]; #~ $shortcuts{$shortcut2}=["/mnt/truecrypt$x", "TrueCrypt $x"]; #~ $shortcuts{$shortcut3}=["/mnt/truecrypt$x", "TrueCrypt $x"]; #~ } # #-------------------------------------------# # # Commands Which List Categorized Shortcuts # # #-------------------------------------------# %four_column_table_of_commands_which_list_categorized_shortcuts= ( # There's more room for description text in the four-column table than the # eight-column table. "pups" => [qw/root r ~ ` mnt tmp etc arc/, "Puppy System Locations"], "wm" => [qw/ob ice/, "Window Manager Settings"], "fm" => [qw/roxi thu/, "File Manager Settings"], "co" => [qw/font bg api apico/, "Puppy Cosmetic Stuff"], "ws" => [qw/wr web/, "Web Server"], "ss" => [qw/cron dbf mozp geac nci perl tc/, "Software Settings"], "vbs" => [qw/avb mvb vbr/, "VirtualBox Shared Folders"], "md" => [qw/sp s/, "Meadow Folders"], "dep" => [qw/au de bd md gr gran/, "Depots"], "lhmp" => [qw/hiac etc mdbc hial mdb/, "LHMP Related"], "kit" => [qw/lsk lsks lski lskk lskc/, "Lupu Setup Kit"], ); %eight_column_table_of_commands_which_list_categorized_shortcuts= ( # If your category's description is short, it might fit here. # If it's long, it's better to put that category in the # four-column table. "di" => [qw/sda1 sdb1 sdc1 sr0 z zy b l p mu t w y m v x/, "Disks"], "ap" => [qw/li oli org bu pl/, "Ap Folders"], ); # # End of Commands Which List Categorized Shortcuts section. # ########################################################################### 1;