#! /bin/sh # # Script: # Launch Roku Remote Control Script Live Mode in an RXVT Terminal Window.sh # # # by Apollia of Astroblahhh.Com - http://astroblahhh.com/ # # Released March 15, 2014. # # # This script expects roku-remote-v4.sh to be in the same directory as this script. # # # Also, it probably won't work right unless you have the RXVT terminal software in # your Linux. RXVT is included with many Puppy Linuxes by default. # # Definitely works in Lucid Puppy Linux 5.2.8. THIS_SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" cd "$THIS_SCRIPT_DIR"; rxvt -rv +sb -sl 999 -title "Roku Remote v4.0" -e sh roku-remote-v4.sh live # Don't try running "sh roku-remote-v4.sh live" on a line by itself. # # For some reason, that makes my Roku go crazy, as if a lot of commands # (not sure what) are continually being sent to it. # # # End of script # #########################